Stop Being a Pest!

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Stop Being a Pest!

Pest control is a very broad category of services. On one hand, these experts have to fight larger pests, like rodents. On the other hand, they have to fight tiny pests like bed bugs, cockroaches, and fleas. The exact approach they take in each home depends on the climate, the exact pests involved, and the structure of the home. It's no secret that pest control is a complex and varied topic. We aim to address some of that complexity here on this blog. Start reading, and you will learn more about various pests, and you'll probably pick up some pest control tips, too.


Top Tips To Exterminate Those Bed Bugs, Once And For All

17 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Bed bugs are tough. They are resistant to a lot of pesticides, and they can hide in sneaky places, like behind your outlet covers and under any clothing you happen to have left on the floor. Therefore, the secret to getting rid of bed bugs is to think like they do — and be tough and sneaky yourself! How do you make sure your extermination efforts are successful the first time around? Read More …

Bed Bugs Keeping You Awake? What You Need To Do

9 July 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Bed bugs are small insects that will invade your space, even while you're sleeping, and bite you to feed themselves off of your blood. They sound like something from a scary movie, but they're real and they could really be in your home. If you are waking up with bites on your body, especially with bites that are in a straight line, there's a good chance you have bed bugs. Don't lose sleep over these pests. Read More …

The Pros And Cons of Installing a Mosquito Misting System

25 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Are you tired of always having to fight off the mosquitoes in order to enjoy your backyard? Mosquito misting systems offer a good alternative. You can install one of these systems and it will automatically spray for mosquitoes on a pre-determined schedule. Mosquito misting systems are really convenient, but like any pest control measure, they are not necessarily for everyone. Take a look at these pros and cons before deciding whether such a system is right for you. Read More …

4 Simple Garden Pest Control Tips

11 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Pest control is not only necessary inside your home. If you have a garden, then you are definitely going to want to employ some pest control tactics to keep those insects from eating your veggies. Here are some simple garden pest control tips to start you off on the right foot.  Plant some repellent plants. Insects love plants like tomatoes and summer squash, but there are plants they prefer to stay away from. Read More …

What To Do If There’s A Termite-Infested Tree On Your Property

29 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Even though the majority of homeowners who reach out to a pest control company for help with termites will have an issue inside their home, there are other customers who find an issue elsewhere on their property. Since a termite colony's main sustenance is wood, these pests will attack a tree on your property just the same as they will the lumber that creates the structure of your home. Therefore, it is actually quite common for a termite colony to take over a tree, which can be scary when you have a home in close proximity. Read More …